European Funds
Project 6
Increase in the recognition of EGI Sp. z o. o. product brands as a result of promotional activities on selected international markets
The subject matter of the Project was the participation of EGI Sp. z o. o. in activities performed within the framework of the Automotive and Aerospace Components Industry Promotion Programme aimed at promoting the Company’s petroleum-derived products offered under the JASOL (standard products) and REVLINE (premium products) brands on potential sales markets. As part of this Project, EGI performed promotional activities in global and European markets, including its participation as an exhibitor at 6 trade fairs in Dubai, Frankfurt, Poland, Russia and South Africa. The promotional activities were complemented by the purchase of a consultancy service for the internationalisation of the entrepreneur. The aim of the implementation of this Project was the product expansion of EGI towards eastern markets (among others, Russia, the United Arab Emirates) and the market of the Republic of South Africa, as well as the expansion of sales markets in the area of the European Union, in compliance with the Company’s long-term export strategy. The above was possible thanks to EGI’s participation in the Automotive and Aerospace Components Industry Promotion Programme, as part of which the Applicant performed a number of promotional activities. As a result of the implementation of the Project, the Company acquired new customers and established long-term business contacts. This translated into an increase in the Company’s income from export activities. The effect of the Project is also an increase in the recognisability of the Company’s products offered under JASOL and REVLINE brands on foreign markets.
Project value: PLN 796,538.20
European Funds’ contribution: PLN 383,470.00

Project 5
Implementation of technology for the selective management and regeneration of solvent and paraffin streams from petroleum waste
Purpose and planned effects of the project:
The subject matter of the Project is the implementation of an innovative technology for the selective management and regeneration of solvent streams, as a result of which the Company will offer on the market:
1) distillation and composition of chemical intermediates and products
2) regeneration of light and medium fractions
3) 4 types of recycled products
- non-stick oils
- flotation oils
- speciality lubricants
- plasticisers for rubbers and caoutchouc.
The above will be achieved through the implementation of the results of our own as well as commissioned research and development (R&D), crucial in respect to the characteristics and functionality of the Company’s services and products. As part of the Project implementation, the Company envisaged the following investment activities:
- execution of construction works
- purchase and installation of fixed assets
- acquisition of consulting services.
Project value: PLN 59,962,500.00
European Funds contribution: PLN 20 000 000,00

Project 4
Implementation of technology for selective management of hydrocarbon streams and recycling of waste of petroleum origin
Purpose and planned effects of the project:
To implement the results of R&D work in order for the Company to market an innovative technology for selective management and recycling of waste of petroleum origin in the form of:
1) waste regeneration service
2) commencement of production of raw material bases.
The innovative service and innovative raw material bases, introduced as a result of the Project, will be characterised by unique qualitative and functional properties, while maintaining price competitiveness, which is a direct response to the market need related to access to technologies and products derived from selective management of petroleum waste.
As part of the Project implementation, the Company envisaged, among others, the following investment activities:
- execution of construction works
- purchase and installation of fixed assets
- acquisition of consultancy services.
Project value: PLN 55,719,000.00
European Funds contribution: PLN 19,830,000.00

Project 3
Under the Intelligent Development Operational Programme 2014-2020, EGI Sp. z o. o. is implementing the following projects:
Development of the research and development centre of EGI Sp. z o. o. performing research work for the petrochemical and waste management industry
Purpose and planned effects of the project:
To create the infrastructure necessary to carry out research and development work in the area of innovative methods for the management of waste of petroleum origin and polymer waste. The result of the above-mentioned R&D work will be a product innovation and process innovation, ultimately implemented both in the own activities of EGI Sp. z o. o. and the activities of external entities.
Implementation of the Project, and thus the development of the aforementioned organizational unit of EGI to the form of Research and Development Centre, will enable the Company to fully exploit its research potential through the possibility of undertaking specialized research and development work in the following areas:
- innovative methods of waste management from used oils
- advanced analytical methods for identifying the parameters of petrochemical waste (inter alias polymeric waste).
The project consists of modernising the building and equipping it with laboratory equipment.
Value of the project: PLN 9,584,160.00
European Funds contribution: PLN 3,490,800.00

Project 2
EGI Sp. z o. o. received co-funding from the European Commission and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management under the LIFE Programme for the implementation of the project entitled:
Eco-friendly pilot plant for the production of bitumen emulsions modified with nanostructures from waste polymers
- LIFE Programme – Environment and Climate Action Programme
- Project budget: PLN 18,765,350.00
- EC funding: 60% of eligible costs
- Co-financing from NFEPWM: 15% of eligible costs
- Implementation period: 01.08.2015 – 31.07.2019
Collaborating research unit: Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology

Project 1
EGI Sp. z o. o. has received funding for the implementation of a project under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme entitled:
Eco-friendly technology for the recovery and management of hydrocarbon streams from selected waste groups
- Project budget: PLN 7,397,284.50
- Co-financing: PLN 3,824,005.65
- Implementation period: 01.06.2014 – 31.12.2015